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The English Apple Man


14th Dec 2018 - What British Apple & Pear varieties are available in Supermarkets

As we approach the last full week of trading before the Christmas week begins, The English Apple Man has taken a 'whistle stop tour' of UK Supermarkets to see how many different varieties are on display in each of the UK retailers.

At this time of year I would expect to find Cox, Gala, Braeburn, Bramley apples and Conference pears


Having visited M&S, Tesco, Sainsburys and Morrisons over the last two days, I was pleased to find generous displays of 'Great British' apples and pears. I did not make it to Waitrose, Lidl and Aldi.


In M&S: 'Great British' Bramley, Gala, Jazz, Cox, Smitten, Red Delicious, Rockit and Conference pears.


By comparison: 'Great British loose Gala @ £2kg and Imported Pink Lady @ £3.80kg


Below: British Gala and at nearly twice the price - Imported Pink Lady!



In Tesco: 'Great British' Kanzi, Gala, Braeburn, Cox, Junami, Egremont Russet, Bramley cooking apples, Conference and Comice pears.


By comparison: Imported Pink Lady @ £2.60 x 6 and £2 x 4. 'British' Perfectly Imperfect pears @ 70p a polybag and Small Sweet Gala @ 78p x 6 apples.



The English Apple Man was very pleased to find a good selection of 'Great British Apples' very well presented in Tesco



In Sainsburys: Bramley cooking apples, Cox, Braeburn, Gala, Jazz, Organic Santana, Rubens apples and Conference pears + Ripe & Ready Taylors Gold pears.


By comparison: Small Gala @ £1.35 x 6 and larger Gala x4 @ £1.50 x 4; Organic Santana apples @ £2.50 x 6 and Rubens x 6 @ £1.35; British Jazz @ £2 x 4 and 'Dutch Kanzi @ £2 x 6; Imported Pink Lady @ £3 x6 apples.


Below: left; 'Great British' Organic Santana apples and right; Rubens apples



It was late this afternoon (Friday) and the displays were very well stocked in Sainsburys with a variety of 'Great British Apples'



In Morrisons: 'Great British' Gala, Braeburn, Cox, Smitten apples and Conference pears. Disappointingly I also found GERMAN Gala and Braeburn apples!!


By comparison: Morrisons British Braeburn @ £1.59 x 6 and British Gala @ 1.50 x 6 apples. Large pack British Braeburn x 1.8kg @ £2.80 (= £1.56 kg) - Imported Pink Lady apples @ £2 x 4 apples - on offer '2 for price £3


The apples on display in Morrisons were of very good quality, but the 'shelf markers' were awful; a completely confusing 'muddle' with variety/ signage alinement all over the show!



Below: 'Great British' loose Gala apples and right; Smitten apples a very crisp, juicy and sweet tasting apple



Below: left; German Gala (do we really need them) and British Bramley (not Gala as indicated)



Below: While my world is all about apples, my dear wife loves spending time with her 'Flower Group' friends arranging flower displays - yesterday she spent a couple of hours creating her latest creation!




Only ten days to Christmas!



Take care



The English Apple Man