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The English Apple Man


31st Dec 2021 - Looking back at 2021

As we look back on 2021, a mixture of emotions come to mind!


On a personal basis my family has had a "S--- of a year, losing a family member and our beloved dog Poppy. In addition so many members of the fruit fraternity have passed away, most after a very long life, but some tragically before their expected lifespan!


So far (X fingers) my wife and I (79 & 80 years old) have avoided the Covid Plague by taking all the recommended precautions and are very grateful for the NHS and those who have driven the Vaccination process in the face of differing opinions of the media and all the "clever dicks" who claim to have the answers, but who will never have to make the agonising decisions themselves!


I have to say though, I am totally fed up with the "Anti Vaxers" - I understand some people are medically unable to take the precaution of Vaccine and some are scared but when the morons who invade test centres while spouting propaganda based on lies I really get mad!!!!





The English Apple Man looks back on 2021 with a LINK to an issue of the Journal for each month of the year


In January consumer communication was the discussion point


January 2021


In February making use of new technology was a key feature


February 2021


The importance of Terroir in vineyards and top fruit is discussed in March


March 2021


In April. apples and academia feature as The EAM makes a new friend


April 2021


The late spring brought Apple blossom into May and incudes a link to blossom time 10 years ago


May 2021


June is the time when we get a feel for the crop potential: "yield and quality"


June 2021


Growing on the Greensand Ridge and BIFGA 'farm walk' held in July


July 2021


August is "competition time"


August 2021


September brought the "End of an Era" with the loss of Roger Worraker as the new season harvest ws getting well underway


September 2021


October and the return of The National Fruit Show as a "live event"


October 2021


A visit to a new "state of the art" packing and storage complex in East Kent


November 2021


Celebrating UK Wine production featured in the December Journal


December 2021


To all my readers, I wish you a Very Happy New Year, and most of all peace and good health in 2022